In this paper, we present the concept of quality assurance in pre-school institutions in the Republic of Serbia. Quality assurance and evaluation of pre-school institutions is achieved through the process of external evaluation and self-evaluation. Both processes are regulated by law (Rulebook: Standards of quality of work of institutions (2018), Rulebook: Evaluation of quality of work of institutions (2019)).
In the second part of this paper, we present an evaluation procedure of pre-school institutions and the process of self-evaluation, developed and implemented on an appropriate sample in 2019, through the project “Inclusive pre-school education”. This project is being implemented in Serbia by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD – Serbia) with the support of the World Bank and resulted in appropriate conclusions being made regarding the process of self-evaluation, as well as a better understanding of the current situation in pre-school institutions in the Republic of Serbia. Thus, the educational system of the Republic of Serbia received suitable guidelines and a direction to take, in order to improve the quality of the nation’s pre-school education.